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nanoblock - 凱旋門 [世界的に有名な建物] コレクションシリーズ 組み立てキット
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Creation Feature: Cigarette Lottery Game


I recently entered an on-line block-building competition. While browsing at the different works submitted by other contestants, there was one that I caught my attention and I gave my ‘like’ vote. It was a cigarette and a lighter design. This work inspired me to design my own cigarette box.

I must declare, however, that I’ve quit smoking for many years and I DO NOT encourage others to smoke.

Since I started designing my own nanoblock creations, I like building human characters and designs with parts that can be opened and closed, like luggage, locker, cosmetic case (though I failed on this one), glasses case, etc.

This cigarette box, like my other creations, can open and close. Originally there were over 10 white unlit cigarettes inside the box. Later, I decided to add colour to the tip of the cigarettes and made 14 different cigarettes and turned the cigarette box into a lottery game.

