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nanoblock - 凱旋門 [世界的に有名な建物] コレクションシリーズ 組み立てキット
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Behind the Creation: Magnificence


You can see my past entry for the Nanoblock Award 2014 -2015 here:
Conceptualizing Stage

One fine day, I had this random idea of making a work of a Koi splashing out of the water as an entry under “Under 200pcs” category for the Nanoblock Award 2014 - 2015. As the idea was brewing in my head, I thought that a magnificent concept wouldn’t look magnificent enough in a small scale.

Imagining how the final work would look like in my head was easy, but bringing it to the real world was another story.

The research process was difficult; there were all kinds of Koi fishes in many colours and patterns. I had to treat the subject with respect as it has been an auspicious icon in both Chinese and Japanese cultures. Thus, the Koi fish had to be plump with its tail turned to signify its magnificence; a skinny flat fish would be inauspicious from my point of view.

I sketched out what I envisioned for the Koi on a page of an unused sketchbook, picked my colours (Black, Orange and White), opened my Nanopad and got down to work with references on my computer screen.
Building the Koi

Unsure of which part of the Koi to start first, I began building the mouth and the head, tore it apart, and rebuild it again till I was satisfied with having the ability to adjust the Koi’s whiskers on its mouth.

I got carried away with making the colour patterns while building the Koi’s body, then I realized the work was going to be much bigger than I expected. This presented a problem in which resources must be managed well and the build should use less blocks as possible without compromising the structural integrity.

When I got to the part in which the Koi started to bend its body and tail, it was hell trying to figure how they should look like ideally with just stacking the blocks. I got infuriated with undoing and redoing the section until an idea struck me; making a cheap paper model of the Koi would help me see better in getting what I wanted.
Building the display base cum holder

Every idea and problem about the display base cum holder was planned and solved on the fly with trial and error. I couldn’t remember if I had anything thought out prior to making it or why I decided to go with whatever design that looked appealing to me.

The little ‘invisible’ stand that sat in the middle of the display base was conceived from a random idea that the studs of a block could ‘hold’ the edges of the bent section of the Koi’s body. The idea worked but it came with a big flaw, should the edges not aligned properly with the studs, the Koi would fall to one side.

I think getting the wave design to look right took me 2 re-tries. I was opting to go in making the wave higher, but the blocks had reached to a point where they would break very easily with a little touch.
Closing Thoughts

The Koi could get a makeover with a slimmer and longer body, so it would look more elegant and less like a cute and plump caricature. With proper documentation done, it should be easier to draft out the colour patterns and calculate the blocks required in re-making the Koi.

Perhaps I should also try to make a smaller version for the challenge.

As for the display stand, I will look into how to expand the curvy waves to amplify the visual effect. I really think the water waves could be a lot better with some tweaks in the layout of the base.
